We'd Be Honored to Share Your Story.

  • Thank you...

    It means a lot to us that you'd let us use your kid's name and picture. As parents ourselves with children with cancer, we know how personal it can be to share. Thank you.

    We hope by letting people see our kids' faces, we're letting them know childhood cancer is more than a statistic, and that their support is making a difference.

    We'll use these photos on banners at our events occasionally, on our website, or in other marketing materials. We try to always error on the side of asking for too much permission, and respect your privacy and your kid's story. Unless you say otherwise, we'll only use the photos with first name and hometown.

    Sarah Bartosz
    Executive Director, Beat Childhood Cancer

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 6.
      Higher quality images are better, as we'd like to use this for print as well as web!
    • Clear Signature
      Please sign your name to verify you give Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation Inc permission to use your son or daughter's name, hometown, and picture in various marketing materials for Beat Childhood Cancer. This includes, but is not limited to, banners at events and pictures in our social media and website.
    • Please share whatever you'd like. It can be your son or daughter's story, or a story of the moment only in the picture. Whatever you'd like to share. We may not use every photo or story immediately, but love being able to show our supporters directly the kids and families we're affecting. Thank you so much - we're proud to be a small part of your story.

    Beat Childhood Cancer’s Mission in Action

    We drive progress through tailored, targeted, and child-informed treatments, clinical trials, and novel research.

    Our Approach

    Founded by parents, we experienced the problem and created a solution. We drive progress through tailored, targeted, and child-informed treatments, clinical trials, and novel research. Since 2010, we have been developing and expanding a strategy to treat cancer in a way that’s specific to each child. This is a safer and more effective way to defeat pediatric cancer.

    Our Tailored Approach is Working

    We’ve opened over 24 clinical trials, directly affecting more than 2,000 kids. Where the traditional clinical trial model often takes several years to start enrolling patients, the Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium aims to open and enroll children on new clinical trials within one year.

    Creating Options for Every Child, Everywhere

    Our patient-centered focus is not based on a single doctor, hospital, or drug. It is about helping every child, everywhere survive and thrive following a childhood cancer diagnosis.


    Targeted Research

    Our goal is to create access to more safe and effective treatment options that are child-informed, not just cancer-informed. We focus our research strategy on two key areas:
    Every child’s tumor is different; precision, targeted therapies are the future of cancer  treatment. By offering genomic sequencing to children diagnosed with cancer at multiple points along the treatment pathway, we:
    • Gain a greater understanding of what is causing each tumor to be cancerous.
    • Add targeted treatments to current standards of care, directly attacking                   individual tumors.
    • Discover novel treatments based on existing FDA-approved drugs; and
    • Advance our mission of beating childhood cancer.
    Historically, nearly half of kids fighting neuroblastoma and other solid tumor cancers relapse. We spent over a decade working towards a FDA approval of DFMO for the prevention of neuroblastoma, and on December 14, 2023 it was approved!
    This historic event will also pave the way for more approvals for other cancers as well.

    The Beat Childhood Cancer Allegiance:
    Our Partners in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

    Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium

    Medicine that’s designed to attack a child’s unique type of tumor while keeping the rest of their body safe from harm is the future of pediatric cancer treatment. 
    This approach is already allowing our teams to help kids right now, using targeted therapies and gentler oral drugs with fewer side effects. These innovative, child-centric treatments  are aimed at preventing or treating relapse without the tradeoff of punitive, long-term consequences to a child’s growth, development, or quality of life. 
    Our growing community of clinicians, scientists, parents, and supporters has built an international infrastructure driven by a team of research and clinical collaborators to ensure kids have access to the right therapies at the right time and in the right place. 
    The Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium is made up of over 50 children's hospitals and research institutions in North America.
    Learn More

    The IN:Formation Project

    No two tumors are the same. In fact, they vary greatly among patients with the same diagnosis. Many times, your child's solid tumor may share characteristics with other types of cancer - cancers that may have different targets and different treatments.

    The IN:Formation Project uses advanced genomic sequencing to reveal the mechanics, drivers, and targets in your child's unique tumor. When you participate, this information doesn't just sit in a research database, it can be actively used to find an alternative treatment option for your child, should they need it.
    Learn more

    Support the Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation

    We know our allegiance will cure childhood cancers. We just don't know how quickly.
    The most powerful thing we can do is make it possible for parents, researchers, and doctors to work together without the rigid and limiting structures of the healthcare system.

    Your support gives our front line doctors, researchers, and pediatric care specialists the resources they need to give more children access to the right options, at the right time, in the right place - and as fast as humanly possible.