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Miles Shanaghan, age 3, died on February 13 at 2:46PM at Wolfson Children's Hospital. He was symptomless when he was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma at his 3 year physical. Although he'd fought a long battle, his death was not because of cancer, but as a result of the toxicity of his treatment.
He was born to parents Morgan and Matt Shanaghan on May 16, 2014 at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. He absolutely radiated with a love of life. He danced and laughed through every round of chemo. He loved cats, pizza, Lego's, Disney World and snuggling up with his mom at the end of the day. He considered every child his friend. Miles was known by his medical caretakers as a pillar of strength- "a miracle". He shattered every expectation they had of him. He was a warrior until his last breath.
We have been driven to continue Miles’ fight through funding innovative research. We know so many families and kids fighting neuroblastoma right now, and never want another family to feel the hole we have in our hearts. We’re partnering with Beat Nb to drive clinical trials and treatments helping kids beat cancer today.