Whoops! We missed a week. We’re making up for it now with TWO weeks of nb news. 🙂
Here’s this week’s links…
Kids – Why We Fight
Dean Puplett
5 year old Dean Puplett has been fighting neuroblastoma for 2 years, in Wales. Shopkeepers this week in his town are donating much of their proceeds to his family. flintshirechronicle.co.uk.
Non-Profits / Events / News
Sky Diving Gruffalos Raise Money for Families Against Neuroblastoma
Stars from Gruffalo Live, a popular UK children’s TV show, jumped out of planes in memory of Thomas Cammack. Thomas died earlier this year, of neuroblastoma. The cast met Thomas just days before he died. yorkpress.co.uk.
Zoe Rose’s Big Shear Raises $6,000!
Zoe Rose is a 14 month old fighting neuroblastoma in Australia. Many of the locals got together for what has to be one of the most fun fundraisers we’ve heard of – a sheep shearing! Over $6,000 was raised  to support The Kid’s Cancer Project, an Australian non-profit seeking cures for childhood cancer. farmonline.com.au
5k Run/Walk for Kids Cancer in Memory of Annalise Pelton
Annalise Pelton died of neuroblastoma this past March, almost 8 years old. The community in Canandaigua, NY showed up to run (or walk!) in her honor and raise funds to fight neuroblastoma.  mpnnow.com
Godmother Gets Tatted Up in Memory of Chintzia
Chintzia Mills apparently has a pretty cool godmother. Chintzia died of neuroblastoma in 2010 – at the age of 3. Her godmother, Sonia Deluca, raised over $1000 (which will support Families Against Neuroblastoma, a UK nb charity) through having a handprint tattoed on her in memory of Chintzia. What a cool godmother! We’d like to hang out with Sonia. 🙂 OxfordMail.co.uk.
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