This Week in Neuroblastoma – 12/31/12

Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for making it a great year for us. We are looking forward to more big things in 2013.

Here’s this week’s links…

Why We Fight

Dana Rothschild

Dana Rothschild beat neuroblastoma when she was 4 years old. Although happy to be alive, her life has been full of medical problems. Most recently, at 45, Dana has been told that she is in end-stage renal failure. The partial kidney, left after surgery for her neuroblastoma, is failing her. Time is running out and Dana is losing confidence; but a new trial may offer new hope for her. With the new year, Medical University of South Carolina Transplant Center is joining the National Kidney Registry’s living donor exchange program. Through new technology, the program makes it possible to secure kidneys from live donors. These types of transplants often have better outcomes than kidney donations from recently deceased donors. Dana’s chances of finding a donor could be significantly increased by this program. Good luck, Dana! We’re rooting for you!

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