We hope 2013 is treating you all right so far! There’s been a little lack in new NB news lately. We’re thinking that this means great things are in the works. In the mean time, if you’re interested in helpings us generate some news of our own, check out the different ways you can help us make things happen!
Here’s this week’s links…
Kids – Why We Fight
Madie Magoo
At 6 years old, Madie was diagnosed with stage 3 neuroblastoma. Void of major warning signs, other than the fact that she walked on her toes, the diagnosis came as a complete surprise to Madie’s mom, Ayesha. By the time the mass was discovered, the cancer had displaced her heart, wrapped around her aorta, crushed one of her kidneys and curved her spine. After having her lung collapse on her birthday, Madie was in the fight for her life. There’s a long road ahead, including more chemo, surgeries and a stem cell transplant, but Madie and her family remain hopeful. They’re finding strength and comfort in the support of their community, and in knowing they have a special angel watching over them – Madie’s dad, who was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2010. santanvalleytoday.com.
Non-Profits / Events / News
Wish Come True
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – we have some pretty awesome supporters! Robyn woke up with one wish on her birthday (1/4/13), to sell 800 Because of Ezra bracelets before January 16th. That day will mark 800 days since Ezra died. Pretty soon the orders were coming in. An Imgur page was set up by a friend, and sales just kept on coming. By the end of the day, 1013 bracelets had been sold (and more are still coming in!). Robyn’s wish came true, and all in one day. THANK YOU! Couldn’t have done it without you.imgur.com.
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