The Thunder Run Documentary

One Man, One Mission, 3,076 miles to Beat Childhood Cancer.

Peter Halper set out in 2020 to run across America to raise money and awareness to help kids beat childhood cancer. From Dana Point, CA to Lewes, DE in 4 months of more than a marathon a day, only taking Sundays off. 


His labor of love and hope captivated people nationwide and the Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation Cancer crew of AJ Hurley and Kyle Matthews were along step-by-step to tell Peter's remarkable story.

On July 7, 2023, Peter will set out yet again for his next event: The Thunder Ride. One man, one mission, 9,000 miles. Peter will cross the country 3 consecutive times on his bike continuing his mission for Emery's Memory Foundation and Beat Childhood Cancer.

Watch The Thunder Ride with updates via Be The Good Movement YouTube channel here!

In honor of this next "Thunder" event by Peter, we are proud to share the beautiful collaboration of this Thunder Run documentary. We are sure this short film will touch your heart like Peter has touched ours while he aims to touch the hearts of every child, everywhere with hope.

Peter ran with a story, and we are honored to share it. #EmerysMemory

Follow us on FB and Instagram for more! Also follow Emery's Memory Foundation for day-to-day updates on the Thunder Ride.

Be sure to SHARE this amazing and inspiring story and help spread awareness of the great need to beat cancer for kids.

Together, we can.

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