Sometimes we get communication from people which is so powerful we just have to share it. A woman named Stephanie sent us the picture above, of her stethoscope for nursing school. It has Because of Ezra engraved on it, as well as a cross and her initials. Stephanie said this in her message to us: I received my stethoscope in …
Save the Date – Karaoke for the Kure!
We are back, better than ever, with live-band karaoke at amazing venues from coast to coast. Ever dream of being a rock star? Here’s your chance to share the same stages graced by music legends. If singing’s not your thing, what a great opportunity to bid on some actors, writers, executives, housewives, politicians, or musicians to sing any song of …
What’s Going on in Neuroblastoma Research – 2013 NMTRC Symposium
The NMTRC (Neuroblastoma & Medulloblastoma Translational Research Consortium) is a group of 18 universities and children’s hospitals headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI which offer a nationwide network of childhood cancer clinical trials. The group is chaired by Dr Giselle Sholler. These trials are based on the research from a group of closely collaborating investigators who are linked with laboratory programs developing novel therapies …
Malia Jusczyk
On April 1, 2011, it was official: 2 ½-year-old Malia Dakota Jusczyk’s carefree life of Disney World and pony rides, soccer practice and swimming pools, came to a grinding halt. A CT scan revealed that Malia’s recent “tummy aches” were caused by a large tumor lodged in her abdomen. The solid mass wrapped around major blood vessels and pushed against …
Gasparilla Distance Classic 2013 – Nearly $9,000 Raised!
What a great weekend running for Ezra and all his fellow neuroblastoma fighters! This was our third year running the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic, and it was so good to see everyone out there! A huge thank you to all the runners, walkers, and strollers who came out and ran with us, raising nearly $9,000 to benefit research into a …
Attention Runners / Walkers!
Tampa runners, joggers, lovers of the pavement, and haters of cancer – come run the Gasparilla Distance Classic with us! EVERYONE can do this – runs range from a 5K jog, strollers jog, or run… all the way up to a half marathon. We’re doing it a little different this year – check the link below to create your own …
Giving Away $100,000 in 2012
Today marks the day we’ve been without Ezra as long as we were with him. 800 days from the day he died, after living exactly 800 days. It’s a strange day for us. We thought it would be fitting to do Because of Ezra’s giving for 2012 on this day – this is only something we could have done Because …
2013 – a kiss from Ezra
For New Years Eve, Robyn and I went out with some close friends of ours to the Tampa Convention Center, where there would be a “ball drop”, fireworks, and some music. 2012 had been a hard year – walking the line between grief that burns so icily deep it pauses your very will to move forward, and the thaw of …
Hey Internet – thanks for granting Ezra’s mom’s birthday wish
It was pretty cool to see Robyn’s birthday wish (to sell 800 bracelets by January 16th – 800 days after Ezra died) granted by the internet in a single day!
Brooke Hester
Brooke Elizabeth is 5 ½ years innocent. Her first strange sign of what would later be diagnosed as full blown aggressive stage IV neuroblastoma cancer came September 21, 2010 with a phone call from Brooke’s daddy while her mother was away at a state science education conference. Our perfectly happy, healthy toddler had a sudden painless limp which rapidly progressed …