Please Join Us
Thursday, September 12, 2024
6pm – 10:00 PM
Venue 3Two
3232 Shaffer Ave SE, Grand Rapids
Cocktail attire.
Hosted by:
Rick & Rachel Jansheski and Jared & Chelsea Naber
Join us for a cocktail hour, silent auction, beautiful dinner and program. The evening benefits nonprofit Beat Childhood Cancer, helping to fund childhood cancer clinical trials and research in 50+ children’s hospitals and research institutions nationwide.
For the past 3 years, you have helped raise over $175,000 of much-needed research for childhood cancers that are more effective and less-toxic.
Choose Hope 2023 guests participated in the signing of letters to the FDA for approval of DFMO for use in maintenance of neuroblastoma. As a result, DFMO was approved by the FDA on December 13,2023 in a landmark decision! DFMO is now available to ANY child with neuroblastoma for maintenance therapy under the name of IWILFIN. (Read more HERE)
The Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium moved to Penn State Medical College in Hershey, PA in September 2023. With this move, they have a larger lab facility, more research under the purview of Dr. Giselle Sholler, and the research now extends to ALL childhood cancers including blood cancers (Leukemia & Lymphoma). Our fundraising is making an impact in all childhood cancers, not just neuroblastoma.
Thank you for your support! We are excited to continue to make an impact and see kids survive and thrive like Sam and Dirk.
Together, we will beat childhood cancer.