Delivering on our promise

On Saturday night we’ll host our 8th annual event to help raise money to save KIDS with cancer. From our first event until today your unwavering support has allowed us to fund truly groundbreaking work. This is not hyperbole – your money has created treatment options that real children are accessing and that are alive because of it.

That is extraordinary.

When this all started and we’d host events we would have stories and pictures of my own child’s cancer peers. They were all adorable kids from across the country whose parents I worked with to find new treatment options to keep our kids alive. Kids whose parents I worked with to fund new options for our own kids to enroll in so they would not die. Sadly, as each year passed we lost more and more of these kids. Along this journey we gained new friends and then watched as this disease took them from their families as well.

Infants, toddlers and children robbed first of their childhood and then their lives. All of these kids are gone – taken by neuroblastoma.

This disease is unrelenting.

As the years piled up – the funds YOU donated helped to support the creation of a national consortium of children’s hospitals offering the work of Dr. Sholler to children in hospitals across the United States – an amazing thing happened. The new friends I was making were not all losing their kids to this disease. These new parents and children were enrolling in studies – staying enrolled – and experiencing the kind of quality of life on study that I dared dream about for my own child 10 years ago when he was diagnosed.

Watch. Listen.  Realize that YOU helped make this happen.

As this month marks 10 years since we were thrown blindfolded into the deep end of childhood cancer I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we have managed to accomplish working together.
I wanted to thank you for you continued and unwavering support.

And I wanted to let you know that we will continue to deliver on the promise we make that your support truly does go to help save KIDS with cancer.

And for that you have my heartfelt thanks now and forever.


Patrick Lacey

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