DID YOU KNOW – Sarah & Annie

Did You Know?

In the last 20 years, only 4 new drugs have been approved to treat pediatric cancer specifically? 

Annie and Sarah Bartosz
G9 Co-Founders

When you meet Sarah Bartosz, you would have no idea of the grief she has known as a result of childhood cancer.  She lost her 10-year-old son, Jack, to cancer in 2012 and her husband, John, in 2016 to the long-term effects of cancer treatments he received when he was in his early twenties.  She often says it is as though her family was struck by lightning twice. But Sarah has turned her unimaginable sorrow into action and, with her daughter Annie, founded Gold In September to push for the next generation of treatments and therapies, a generation of cures.  Sarah is tirelessly striving to support early phase clinical trials so no parent, spouse, or loved one will have to experience the same tragedy.

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