I sit here on the eve of my Nnamdi baby’s passing in reflection of where my grief journey has led me.
Karaoke5K was born out of my incessant desire to keep Nnamdi’s memory ALIVE. I wanted to talk about him all the time, and share his experiences and personality with anyone who wanted to hear it. I told my husband after the race last year, that I wasn’t going to do another fundraiser race. However, throughout the year, I was confronted with the realization that we still have warriors who are fighting everyday through treatment, side effects from treatment and long-term physiologic and psychological trauma from chemotherapy. I realized that this race was not only #forNnamdi, but for all our kids who are fighting daily to live. I had to do my part in helping them LIVE.
On Sunday, Oct 27, Karaoke 5K 2019 was in full effect. We had over 200 people including children present at the race and over 150 runners. We had the amazing Rockaroke band from Seattle playing live karaoke songs and a taco truck that had amazing food options! I mostly loved seeing all the children actually RUN the entire course route, sing karaoke on our stage and enjoy activities like face painting and shaved ice! It was nice to look through our race participants and see faces of my family and friends who have supported and continue to support me through this journey
Neuroblastoma took Nnamdi baby from me at a time when I wasn’t ready; BUT as a result, it has kindled a fire in me to keep fighting, supporting and raising funds for the research advancement and ultimately a CURE. Because our warriors are counting on US and always #fornnamdi!
See you all at Karaoke 5k 2020!
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