Team Lola is once again joining up with Beat Childhood Cancer again to run 200ish miles of Ragnar craziness. The Ragnar relay races put 12 runners in 2 vans (6 in each), running nearly 200 miles over 2 days. Each runner runs 3 legs (anywhere from 3 to 9 miles per leg) over that time. It winds up an average of ~16 miles per runner total over the experience.
Lola Mae was a joyful spirit since the moment we first held her in our arms. She smiled big, hugged softly, and twirled beautifully. She was carefree and imaginative, always playing and happy. She was gentle, but feisty! At two years old she was already defending her big sister from unfriendly children on the playground. She was a kind big sister as well, always welcoming her little brother into her arms. We always knew she was brave, but we would have never known before cancer that her courage was without limits.
And so we run in honor of Lola. Fighting for all the kids suffering with cancer. We fight for kids to have less toxic treatments with better outcomes. We fight so other families do not have to feel the pain of losing their child to cancer.
This race is on July 12th and 13th, 2024. Please help our 12 person team meet our goal of $18,000 to support Beat Childhood Cancer and their mission to fund childhood cancer research by making a donation here. We truly appreciate any support you can provide.
If you can't make a donation at this point, you can help us reach our goal by sharing this page on your Facebook and Twitter! Or, even better, send an email to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to our page.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
To learn more about the research Beat Childhood Cancer is doing, please visit beatcc.org/how.

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