Earlier this month we legally filed a name change for this non-profit and in so doing we officially put an end to the “Friends of Will Cancer Foundation”.
The Friends of Will have been raising money to help fund Dr. Sholler’s neuroblastoma research since the first event in December of 2007. The money has gone to Dr. Sholler in VT and now in Michigan via different groups and names but two things never changed: Your support and her mission.
At that first event my son Will was just three years old and thanks to your support his now an 8 year old third grader.
A third grader with a hard to grasp treatment burden.
A third grader with a hard to grasp amazing quality of life.
A third grader with his own life to live.
Will has so much on his plate to deal with and it is unfair for me to add to his burden with intensely personal information posted online and a foundation named after him headquartered in the town where he lives. His classmates and teammates all have wonderful parents who come out in droves over 1,000 strong at our annual event and that – as you can imagine – creates questions for Will under a spotlight not of his making.
The saying goes that you can not un-ring a bell – however, I certainly can discontinue my incessant beating of it.
More importantly our hope is certainly for Will to survive however our mission is to help save ALL KIDS WITH NEUROBLASTOMA. That is actually an absurd statement for me to make if it where not for the fact that we support Dr. Sholler and the NMTRC. It is easy to make a bold statement like “we are going to save kids lives” when you have an extraordinary physician who can do it and all we need to do is host some gigantic parties and then give her the proceeds. We do our best to make it fun – you show up and make it happen!
So it is time that Will gets to make his life his own without any additional burden laid atop his already heavy load by taking the spotlight off of him and onto our mission – to BEAT NB.
Our tax ID remains the same: 27-2314549
Our website remains the same: beatNB.org
Our Facebook page remains the same: facebook.com/beatNB
Our twitter page remains the same: twitter.com/beatNB
What has changed? Three words out – two words in.
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