“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.” Maya Angelou By simple definition, a legacy is a gift of money or property, a bequest, or something handed down upon death. Such definition seems a bit antiquated, however, as if a legacy can only be ‘things’ or ‘gifts’ of the past; …
What Is . . .
. . . hope? Social distancing can not and will not stop the spread of awareness, knowledge, and action. Walking around the neighborhood with my kids last night, I was delighted to see the letters H-O-P-E colorfully painted and hanging in a front window. We stopped to admire the thoughtful handiwork with a smile and, in the moment, truly felt …
Gratitude for the Great Gold Team
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Aesop Gold In September was built on hopes that began within the hearts and home of my family; but the truth is that the definition of family has always extended far beyond a single kitchen table to include the family of supporters, donors, volunteers, team members, advocates, and leaders who have helped to …