As the retail machinery is about to put the full court press on everyone of us about all the things we simply NEED to have this holiday season we have a wonderful opportunity this week to be thankful for what we do have.
And being thankful is not only important but it is healthy – healthy for the mind and healthy for your spirit. This is especially so when your thoughts dwell on all of the things beside mere material possessions in our lives that we are thankful for.
What am I thankful for?
Another holiday with loved ones.
Hope that things can always get better.
Children that are not only alive and here with us this year but able to enjoy life.
Not everyone is as fortunate as I am this year.
I am delighted to be thankful for these things – and many others – as another holiday season is upon us that is not so merry and bright for far too many families whose children have been taken from them by cancer.
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