How Will You Answer the Call-to-Action?

The 4% statistic regarding the investment of government funding into childhood cancer research has long been a rallying cry for pediatric cancer advocates nationwide. The number has served as a catalyst for countless conversations and strategies. However, these 4 pennies on the dollar are also cause for outrage and frustration among those searching for cures with limited funds. The proposed …

Spread Golden Hope Like Confetti

Today is Valentine’s Day . . . a day we are called to reach out to those around us and spread love, kindness, and heartfelt thoughts. It is a day to remember the people who truly matter to us and take the time to share and show just how much we care. In keeping with this sentiment, G9 is spreading …

The Childhood Cancer Battle . . . It’s Personal

The phrase “it takes village” is sometimes attributed to the African Kijita proverb, “Omwana ni wa bhone.” The sentiment of the prose suggests that regardless of a child’s biological parents, the entire community is personally responsible for the upbringing. It places the obligation for the care of every child, on everyone. It is a culture of standing in the gap …

No Apologies Needed

Last Summer, I was touched by the beautiful story of a killer whale named Tahlequah. She was a mom mourning the loss of a child who left her too soon. As any grieving parent feels, Tahlequah did not want to let her child go. For 17 days and over 1,000 miles, this heartbroken mother carried her 400-pound calf, who died …

Gratitude for the Milestones on the Journey

As a New Year begins, I give thanks to the year that has ended and the opportunities that lie ahead. The close of a year brings both relief, reflection, and review for goals met, hurdles overcome, and successes celebrated. G9 set a goal of $50,000 for the year-end giving campaign, and I can happily report that the goal was not …

The Best Day Ever-Seeking That Which You Already Have

“Everyday can be the best day ever.” -Jack Bartosz In the midst of the holiday rush, peace and solitude can be hard to find. It seems that there are a million little things on a list that keeps growing. The days seem to blow by in a hastened blur as we frantically check things off. In recent years, I have felt …

Being Called to “Care a Whole Awful Lot”

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss – The Lorax The cancer research and development process is a long and, often times, arduous journey. It starts with an idea…a theory that there might just be another way to attack this horrible disease. But an idea alone will not …

Reflections on a Great Leader, Husband, and Father

As the Nation mourns the loss of our 41st President, George H.W. Bush, I am moved not only by the greatness of this man as a leader and husband, but also as a loving father. In the days since President Bush’s death, there has been no shortage of media coverage regarding the attributes that made him such an amazing man …

Gold In September (G9) Funding Helps Develop Breakthrough Cancer Therapy

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GROW GOLD WITH US – Annie & Jack

The theme of the GROW GOLD WITH US awareness campaign was to show the world that the young kids battling cancer just want the chance to be kids, to do normal things that are often taken for granted — go to the zoo, cheer on their favorite team, go on vacation with their family . . . the list goes …