
As the retail machinery is about to put the full court press on everyone of us about all the things we simply NEED to have this holiday season we have a wonderful opportunity this week to be thankful for what we do have. And being thankful is not only important but it is healthy – healthy for the mind and …

This Week in Neuroblastoma – 11/19/12

Trials and truck pulls and music, oh my! With Thanksgiving approaching this week, there is a lot to be thankful for. Statistics improving, big names in music coming together to raise money for research and new trials are just a few reasons we’re counting our blessings this week. Here’s this week’s links… Kids – Why We Fight Aarin Bhatt After …

Facebook Cover Photos!

Some of you have asked for Facebook cover photos to use for promoting awareness. Rock on – we love it! We made up some photos for you to use, and we’ll keep listing them here along with their URLs (please feel free to share them or use them as your Facebook cover photo, profile pic, or however you’d like!). Download …

This Week in Neuroblastoma – 11/12/13

Staying true to the November’s theme of ‘thankfulness’, this week’s links are full of neuroblastoma patients and families dedicated to giving back to their communities. It is amazing to see what huge hearts these young children have. Here’s this week’s links… Kids – Why We Fight Brooke Hester 5 year old Brooke Hester isn’t letting cancer keep her down. Battling …

Making a difference – TODAY

In March you came to Cure Me I’m Irish. We sent the proceeds out to Dr. Sholler and the NMTRC consortium in Grand Rapids Michigan. In June they opened the trial in Michigan and since that time they have been opening the study at NMTRC sites all across the US. In the 4+ months since the study opened over 25 …


Next time you are out back playing with your kids or tailgating with your friends and get your hands on a football take a look at it.  Lay it on the ground next to a few tennis balls, a softball, an apple and about 25 grapes. Now? Imagine putting that many tumors – in those sizes –  inside the body …

Dave Matthews talks about Ezra’s life and 800 days

Ezra lived exactly 800 days. Here’s the talk by Ezra’s granddad, Dave Matthews, that showed us that and inspired our 800days campaign. Ezra’s middle name is David after his granddad – Ezra called Dave “Poppa” and Loved his Poppa like crazy. Those boys had a lot of fun together.


Two years ago today we lost our first-born son, Ezra David Matthews. After exactly 800 days of life, he died of neuroblastoma. Our fight is one he started for us, and we won’t stop until this cancer is cured. In Ezra’s name and memory, we are so proud today to launch our first social awareness campaign – 800 days. Each …

It is all just so embarrassing..

Nearly 6 billion  dollars spent on the congressional and presidential elections for 2012. What will change?  No matter who won the embarrassing behavior from everyone involved will still continue. The polarization has only gotten worse and the complete lack of respect for any other human being ‘not on your side’ has somehow gotten more extreme. I heard a woman the other day …

This Week in Neuroblastoma – 11/5/12

Wow, it’s November already! Have you picked up your Because of Ezra bracelets yet? They’re all the rage this fall. 😉 Here’s this week’s links… Kids – Why We Fight Cora Grinsel Three year old Cora was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in August. Cora’s parents have both lost their jobs and have had to relocate, all while racking up over a …