When my first child was born I was 30 years and 9 months of age. If my son can somehow managed to live the impossibly long time of THIRTY YEARS – after being diagnosed with cancer – he would be 30 years and 7 months of age. Survival stats for cancer are based on 5 years worth of survival. Can …
Your money at work
As you can read in yesterday’s post we sent $20,000 of your money to help fund some extraordinarily exciting research. The goal is to get that work further down the line so that it can one day be in need of funding to get it into the clinic. What I wanted to do today is provide you with an …
A cancer vaccine derived from your own NB cells
Before the NMTRC moved it’s headquarters to Grand Rapids Michigan it started out in Burlington Vermont. While Dr. Sholler had her lab based in UVM she started many long lasting collaborations with clinicians and researchers across the country. However one of these lasting collaborations took place in Vermont and is very unique. Why? Because this extraordinary surgeon and researcher …
Your support
We are working in memory of the 25,000 infants, toddlers and children that have been killed by cancer in the United Sates in the past 10 years alone. We are working on behalf of the 150,000 kids that have been diagnosed with cancer in this country over that same decade. And most importantly we are working on behalf of all …
As the retail machinery is about to put the full court press on everyone of us about all the things we simply NEED to have this holiday season we have a wonderful opportunity this week to be thankful for what we do have. And being thankful is not only important but it is healthy – healthy for the mind and …
Making a difference – TODAY
In March you came to Cure Me I’m Irish. We sent the proceeds out to Dr. Sholler and the NMTRC consortium in Grand Rapids Michigan. In June they opened the trial in Michigan and since that time they have been opening the study at NMTRC sites all across the US. In the 4+ months since the study opened over 25 …
Next time you are out back playing with your kids or tailgating with your friends and get your hands on a football take a look at it. Lay it on the ground next to a few tennis balls, a softball, an apple and about 25 grapes. Now? Imagine putting that many tumors – in those sizes – inside the body …
It is all just so embarrassing..
Nearly 6 billion dollars spent on the congressional and presidential elections for 2012. What will change? No matter who won the embarrassing behavior from everyone involved will still continue. The polarization has only gotten worse and the complete lack of respect for any other human being ‘not on your side’ has somehow gotten more extreme. I heard a woman the other day …
Run to BEAT NB
Last year two Beat NB folks decided to turn their passion for running into an outlet for awareness, fun, friendship, health and raising funds. They formed the “Cure Me I’m Irish Running Club” and began recruiting new members and spreading the word about our mission: to save kids with cancer and BEAT NB. They ran the Falmouth Road Race in …
Our mission is now our name
Earlier this month we legally filed a name change for this non-profit and in so doing we officially put an end to the “Friends of Will Cancer Foundation”. The Friends of Will have been raising money to help fund Dr. Sholler’s neuroblastoma research since the first event in December of 2007. The money has gone to Dr. Sholler in VT …